Thursday, March 19, 2015

How Box Mods Have Changed the Vaporizer As We Know It

People who have adopted the latest and greatest method of quitting smoking know how beneficial vaporizers can be. Instead of burning nicotine, a vaporizer does just that; vaporizes. Many believe this to be far less dangerous than burning. The vaporizer is good enough as it is, but there are some downfalls to vaporizers that can make them a little challenging.
You can think of it almost like buying a stock car. It works perfectly fine- it gets you from points A to B, but some of the conveniences may be missing. For example, a USB adapter so that you can play your favorite music, or a DVD player for the kids to keep entertained. Perhaps you wanted power locks. All of these things can be purchased as upgrades. The same goes for vaporizers.

People who have a passion for vaporizing and a talent in engineering have taken the “stock” model of vaporizers and boosted their functionality and convenience levels. One of the biggest complaints that people have about vaporizers are their battery lives. Some people can only get about 15 to 20 hits at best from their vaporizer. This could suffice if you’re just doing it every few hours, but if you have a particularly long vaping session, then there’s a good chance your vape could die right in the middle and require a charge.

Vaporizing enthusiasts decided that they were going to rebuild the entire inside of the vaporizer and prolong the battery life. One model, the Screwdriver made headlines as it made the batter life of the vaporizer last for upwards of 2 hours. The development of the Screwdriver inspired other vaporizing aficionados to make modifications
Another artist, Larry Ross wanted to take the battery life of the vaporizer a step further. What Larry wanted was a vaporizer that didn’t need its tank to be refilled so often. From that dream came a model of vaporizer that had a larger capacity tank on the inside.
Chris, a popular e-cig modifier liked the idea of the longer battery life of the Screwdriver, and also thought that Larry Ross’ creation of a larger tank was ideal. However the size of the vaporizers were a turn off for Chris. He wanted a more compact style of vaper without sacrificing battery life or tank capacity. He created a brand of vaporizer called “Gizmo” that combines the functionality of battery life and larger tanks, with the convenience of it being small and compact.

Box Mods don’t stop with longer lasting batteries and larger capacity tanks. People have gone as far as making custom cases for vaporizers that look like everything from Doctor Who’s Tardis to vintage dial radios. 
As time goes on, Box Mods get more and more creative. Whatever it is that you wish your vaporizer had, if you have the imagination and the time, you can make a box mod for it. Only time will tell what the next box mod creation will be.